
Custom results with implants and body sculpting

MotivaHybrid® is a novel procedure that involves pairing smaller Motiva Implants® with your own purified fat that is harvested from areas that you wish to slim, such as the abdomen or thighs.

The use of fat grafts allows for more customization or precise corrections, such as boosting cleavage, balancing asymmetrical breasts, rounding out the sides of your breasts, or providing more coverage over an implant in certain areas that may lack quality tissue.

Benefits of MotivaHybrid®

  • Purer, more predictable, and longer-lasting fat grafts made with fat grafting system
  • Full-body sculpting benefits (slim some body parts while augmenting others)
  • Smaller implants requiring a smaller incision (and thus, a smaller scar)

Benefits of MotivaHybrid®

  • Purer, more predictable, and longer-lasting fat grafts made with fat grafting system
  • Full-body sculpting benefits (slim some body parts while augmenting others)
  • Smaller implants requiring a smaller incision (and thus, a smaller scar)